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Energy supply plays an enormous role in achieving climate goals. This should be ensured at all times, independent of electricity and sun. Combined heat and power (CHP) plants offer a solution for this. They produce heat and electricity cleanly, decentrally and affordably. Highly efficient plants are awarded the “Blue Energy” label by the German Combined Heat and Power Association (B.KWK). This is what happened with the combined heat and power plant (CHP) manufacturer A-TRON. Its plants have now been awarded the high efficiency label.
The prerequisite for a highly efficient plant is the clean, reliable and flexible production of energy. CHP systems generate electricity, heat and, if necessary, cold directly on site. The advantage of this type of decentralized energy supply is that energy loss during transport is largely avoided. In addition, the energy contained in the fuel is used multiple times. This means that decentralized CHP plants operate with efficiencies of around 90%. For comparison: large central power plants without heat utilization operate with overall efficiencies of around 40%. In addition, the useful heat can be converted into cold if required. Here too, CHP systems are superior to normal, electricity-operated compression refrigeration machines due to their efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. Managing Director Egbert von Bestenbostel is pleased with the certificate. “The award shows us that we are on the right track. The call for environmentally friendly energy generation from society is getting louder. In order to do justice to this, we need reliable alternatives to the current methods of energy generation.”
But why blue energy? Since energy comes in different forms, it is assigned a different color depending on its origin. Electricity from fossil, nuclear and renewable sources is called “grey energy”. This occurs, for example, in power grids. If the energy is obtained exclusively from renewable sources such as wind, sun or biomass, this is called “green energy”. Highly efficient combined heat and power plants combine the best of both areas by generating energy in a clean, reliable and flexible way. This type of energy is therefore called “blue energy”.

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